Local Search Engine Optimization for Realtors
An additional importance of online directory submissions is that they are a method of creating effective backlinks, which are simply links from outside websites back to pages on the agency’s first-party website. Search engines evaluate backlinks as part of their algorithms because the links serve as an indication that the website being linked to is authoritative, trustworthy, and therefore worthy of high positioning on the search engine results pages (SERPs). Real estate agencies accumulating these link-based trust signals over time are likely to see valuable ranking improvements. In addition to building links through directory submissions, our team also utilizes Press Releases, guest posts, YouTube videos, and other methods where relevant.
Off-page SEO is just one piece of Fivespot’s overall strategy. Another piece is on-page SEO, which entails full optimization of an agency’s website from top to bottom. In the process of crawling pages for indexing (adding to the search results pages) and ranking, Google, Bing, and other prominent search engines take into account a variety of on-page elements. Part of our job as SEO specialists is to optimize each component to help enhance keyword rankings and corresponding website traffic as much as possible.